How did our virtual journey begin?
The Original Founding Herd
NJ Virtual Herd is our creative response to Covid-19 shutdown. In March 2020 all of our income encountered an immediate and drastic drop-off due to the pandemic lock down. Here at Spring Reins of Hope llc (and Spring Reins of Life 501c3) are in the business of changing, improving and saving human lives, with the assistance and guidance of Horses...and Donkeys! And apparently, some Goats, one Crazy mini, and one Red cat (who we think is not really a cat)….
Since becoming Eagala Model certified programs and opening our arena gates in 2009 (and 2012) our Herd has served more than 800 pts(d) veterans, over 1300 high-risk teens, 100's of women and children in trauma recovery, as well as 100's of medical students, corporate professionals, families, groups and teams.
Ever hear the saying “Eats like a horse?” Well, it’s really true - horses eat like horses! (Donkeys not quite as much unless you’re counting peanuts)… So, in order for us to wait in isolated holding and be able to return to our regular day jobs, we must find another source of income to cover our base operating expenses for our 4-legged colleagues.
The purpose of this store is to offer a service that will generate the funds needed to pay for our rent, utilities, hay, feed, bedding, farrier, insurance, etc. We assume that once we all have returned to work, the NJ Virtual Herd may or may not continue as the Herd is normally busy doing their real work.
As of 2022, both SRoHope and SRoLife are struggling to “get back to normal”! The nonprofit is small and completely volunteer run, while it accomplished HUGE things for more than 2,600 trauma survivors in NJ from 2012-2020!
SRoL lost most of its volunteer support during the shutdowns and is only running at about 20% capacity of pre-pandemic without the committees, fundraising, events and outreach it is very hard to keep that going.
The current economy has crushed most fundraising efforts and also that of the SRoL’s nonprofit partnerships. Inflation and hardships have made it difficult to keep SRoH with paying clients in work as well.
We are diligently working to resurrect the services / and create NEW services at SRoH (for profit) as there is more bandwidth to expand and not restricted to IRS bylaws of services provided.
Post-pandemic of being forced to shutdown for nearly 2 years has had an immensely difficult set of challenges to overcome. We are not a rescue or sanctuary. They are not pets. This HERD is a small special group of award winning service animals who are apparently out of work, still!
NJ Virtual Herd now has a social media brand with a goal to garner awareness, advocacy, and support to help the Herd survive and overcome this difficult time. They are on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube. There is also a Gofundme where you can donate to their care.
Please check it all out here:
This is also a chance for us to reach out, and for you to learn more about How and Why Horses for personal and professional development...AND it just might be a rather entertaining “mental break” cameo whilst we work from home.
Want to get to know them individually or as a Herd? Check out their bios and see which one may be the best fit for your department, team, gathering or group. We also offer virtual tours and field-trips where the entire crew is included (disclaimer: goats are not always reliable) and BEing, well, whatever they are doing at the date and time of your booking.
The life-saving and career changing services these astute furry therapists and teachers will be in great need once we return to “normal” - and with your support in temporarily hiring them, they will be Ready! Thank you!
There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a human…
Sir Winston Churchill
In 2009 with Spring Reins of Hope llc we started with 3 horses, three amazing horses. They began to help individuals, couples and families figure out life. They also became astute teachers of nonverbal communication skills for medical professionals and company executives. In 2011/12 Spring Reins of Life 501c3 grew our Herd to accommodate the groups of trauma survivors who would become the thousands helped in our arena by these horses.
CC and Spring Thaw, 2016. In her mind she is the Lead Mare, in the horses’ minds she is MUH (most utilized human)…
The 2Legged (there are more than one…)
Christianna Capra (CC) has been passionate about horses since the age of 2. Her childhood encompassed an active membership in 4H & Pony Clubs where she developed basic horsemanship skills and rallied to ride anything that would let her aboard (or not!). Beyond the joyful riding experience, Capra discovered that riding is just one facet of interaction with horses - they can connect, guide and heal our lives in deeply profound ways.
In 2006 a series of events took place that led Capra to EAGALA (Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association) where she became a certified Equine Specialist. From the point of discovering the work of equine assisted therapy, there came an inner trust that this was her purpose and would become her life's work. For the past 12 years, Capra has committed to building this process into a legacy where horses are able to provide life-changing opportunities for future generations in our local community.
Immersed in the mission of helping humans with the gift of horses created an addiction for CC, and an addict will do whatever necessary to keep that going. Every dollar and all items of value have been relinquished toward the higher purpose of healing, and the self addiction to “witnessing miracles".
Eagala Certified Equine Specialist (2007, lifetime member)
CEO/President, Spring Reins of Hope, LLC (2009)
Co-founder with Dr. Maria Katsamanis of Horses for Healers (2012)
Co-founder, Spring Reins of Life, 501c3 (2011)
At this uncertain time where mental health needs are growing exponentially, it is so important to keep this small but mighty Herd cared for, healthy and ready to work - as their assistance will be needed greater than ever before as we attempt the normal. NJ Virtual Herd is not something that was ever planned., it is simply the creative solution to an unprecedented challenge - and participation from New Jersey’s citizens, community and corporations will ensure they stay in-stride. Thank you for Herding with us!
Uphill travels are nothing new for us. We all have sacrificed, become adaptable, enlisted creativity, stretched the limits, overcome adversity, grew stronger, grew wiser - and then did it all over again! All in the vein of Horses Helping Humans. The uphill is not the hart part, that is nearly expected. The challenge is to stay connected, compassionate, and courageous. Keep it moving. We’ll see you on the virtual trail, as we reinvent yet again…

Enjoy a productive mental break.
Discover pleasant relief of Zoom fatigue.…
one of our furry colleagues who are quite communicative and inspiring - are waiting to engage you!
What SRoH & SRoL Clients Have Said…
Horses showed me that I can be strong like the Brick House (Mif), and I can be in charge of things much bigger than me - even sadness.
— KEVIN H. /Pony Pals (6yo Grief & Loss)
For my career as a pediatrician, every time I meet a new patient - I will never forget what I learned from the brown horse! In 1 day she (Syriana) taught me how to be a better doctor, for life.
— SARAH T. / Horses for Healers, M4 UMDNJ Medical Student
Horses have taught me how to care about myself. Self-regulation, self-leadership, self-confidence, and self-care. They showed me how I can manage the things that scare my anxiety like a boss mare.
- NATALIA K. / Teens & Horses (14yo former homeless teen)
Thank you Spring, for teaching me how to make the investment in myself! Semper Fi.
— MICHAEL S. / Operation Horse, USMC OIF Combat Veteran
When we tell you that we have award winning professionals that is actually the truth!
Below are just a few accolades that resulted to or directly because of our 4legged therapists:
NJVMA Service Animal Hall of Fame (Straw, 2013)
Miracles Happen, Chicken Soup for the Soul (Straw, 2014)
Planetree National Medal of Honor (Spring, 2017/2018)
US Flag Flown Capitol Building (Spring, 2/22/18)
Therapy Animal of the Year, NJ Dept Veteran Affairs (Miss Molly, 2019)
A View From The Herd
Take a zoom through the Herd bios and get to know them a little better. If you are not sure about a fit, reach out to us as each of them have a broad variety of roles and responsibilities here so we are confident that there is a match!