Take a Zoom through Herd bios and meet your match…
If you are unsure about a Herd choice, contact us - they serve
many roles and we will help you find the right fit!
Meet the Herd of 4legged Professionals
from SRoH and SRoL ~
01 — Syriana (The Creative Diva)
Striking, Sexy, Stunning, Supermodel - Syriana! This gorgeous red-head is so much more than a pretty face. Sensitive, smart, intuitive - she is a powerful critical thinker, astute observer and empathic mirror with the Speed of a lightning bolt! Syri is not easily influenced, she notices everything, Smells all things, and has a Silly ability to connect all the dots…and then act them out for you in a skillful dramatic way. Able to interpret her surroundings with keen awareness using intense focus and acute observation – nothing gets past her. She’s a bit of a Super-diva and at times it can prove complicated to get close to her or understand her point of view. However once her trust has been Sought, or her Suggestions applied; she Shares her deep capacity for love, and even a Silly playfulness. Secure in her inner Diva, she knows that even if on the dramatic side of life (under all the facades, smoke and mirrors) she is Standing Sure before you with – the Symptomatically Solid correct answer!
Secretly Introspective - Swiftly Graceful - Stealthy Judge of Character - Simply Energetic - Striking Risk Taker - Super Diva Princess - Sensitively Perceptive - Sensationally Exquisite - Syriana!
Syriana, 2002* (Silly Mare, Princess, PrettyGirl) aka Syri is a 19yo Thoroughbred mare, she is also an intense Redhead who is acutely aware of her Surroundings and has a bionic Sense of Smell. Syriana is one of our founding horses as she chose to leap onto a horse trailer in New York on October 1, 2010 and thus suddenly joining us on our Eagala mission to Save the World with Horses. Syri was actually chosen by her late husband, Spring Thaw and to be completely honest it was really his final decision (the humans did not really have much to say about it). Luckily for all of us it worked out quite Serendipitous. Syriana has served thousands of trauma survivors in New Jersey since her start with us at the tender age of 7. She has also helped hundreds of private clients to overcome anxiety, depression, and fears, just to list in general. Syri is also a great teacher of boundaries, both how to create them and how to respect them. Her spot-on talent over the years Shines in her Sarah Bernhardt theatrical ability to produce countless Stunning performances where she will physically demonstrate what “X” looks like on the outside, while Softly Simulating what is Seeping from the inside [for our clients]. Syri is also a talented teacher in her work with hundreds of medical students where the Subtle cues of nonverbal body language become a memorable skill-set for improved patient relations. During her 10 year career with us Syriana is responsible for guiding, redirecting, changing and even Saving the lives of many humans. As pictured, Syriana has served more than 800 Veterans in NJ, several are grateful to the Redhead. YES, and we are So honored and grateful to have her input.
Syri hails from Saratoga, New York.
02 — Junior Mif (The Matriarch)
Magnificent, Majestic, Mysterious-Mif! Magnanimous and strong as a brick house Mif is a Meticulous Manager both of herself and others. She is Massively adaptable, More than self-assured and does not require the approval of – well, anyone. Her deep Maternal instincts combined with her high expectations (based upon wise Motherly experience) allow her a broad range of action. Mind that she is no Marshmallow, if you get the wrong answer you will know it. She is known for taking what we call “the Mif road” when she seems tuned out, she is actually just above it all. Add in a Monster-dry Mischievous snarky sense of humor - and you have a Junior Mif!
Matriarch – Magical - Merciful – Mighty – Modest – UN.Miffable – Mysterious – Maternal – Motherly – Massively Adaptable – Magnificent – Majestic - Mif!
Junior Mif, 2000 (Magical Mare, Miffins, MommaGirl ) is a 22yo AQHA (American Quarter Horse Association) retired broodmare. She joined our Herd in September 2015 and has added a majestic balance to our team. Mif was actually chosen ahead of time by Dane. On September 1, 2015 Dane took a wife. There was a procession, photographer, flower girls, root-beer floats, even a wedding Bridle Registry at Horsemen’s Outlet (she got everything on her list)! While we did engage some “practice work” in preparation to help ensure that clients would be safe and Mif understood what we were asking of her – Mif’s first real day on the job was with a group of combat veterans from the Women’s Trauma Unit at Lyons VA hospital. She proved to be a complete professional within 15 minutes. Since then Mif has helped hundreds of clients to see the value in themselves, to realize that you CAN move an 1100lb brick house if approached correctly, to find stillness and peace in just BEing in your own self, to have self-leadership in spite of fears and jeers, to see Love. Mif is a magical one-in-a-Million, yes and we are so lucky to have her guidance. Plus she is a very smart-funny girl to hang out with! See Mif on PBS 39 here
Mif is a Jersey girl. Born and raised in the great state of New Jersey.
03 — Miss Molly (The Motivator)
Mighty, Marvelous, Mysterious- Molly! This Massive, Memorable blonde bombshell commands the attention of Men and women alike. Her journey of growth and development is nothing short of Miraculous.
Miss Molly (Molls, Molly Dolly, HoneyGirl ) joined us on April 1, 2017 - the day we moved to Three Bridges. She is a large buxom Palomino mare, who suffers from PTS(d). When the humans who stepped up to commit to her life (aka Team Molly) met this blonde mare; the horse had endured so much terror and trauma she could not be touched, handled, UN-haltered – just about everything was UN-safe, except feeding her. Behavior in the fight vs flight and defensive/aggressive made it a challenge to handle her. When triggered she would disassociate, and we all had to become hyper-aware of our body language to communicate with her. Molly was labeled "dangerous / do not touch” and she meant it. And yet, she was openly and naturally drawn to the veterans who arrived at Spring Reins of Life’s Operation Horse EAP therapy sessions.
Magnetic – Mesmerizing – Mistreated – Monumental – Motivated – Mighty – Mental – Metamorphosis - Miraculous - Molly!
It has taken over 2 years’ time, a boatload of patience, creative ways to test and trust boundaries, a routine of building trust, some TLC, and several Veterans to rehab this horse. None of us every really knowing if she would be able to make it.
And today, while we do still take precautions and are always mindful of her hyper vigilance, she has proved it is possible and that she wants to be here. Molly identifies immediately with the internally wounded. She is most drawn to the Veteran population and her work is limited to Operation Horse. The last 2 miles of her 100 mile journey were up to her and she took the steps to have another chance. What Molly brings to the Veterans arena and the way that they understand her PTS(d) is valuable in learning about themselves. She has found a safe place to call home. She has found her people…
On November 7, 2019 Spring Reins of Life was surprised to be presented with an award for Molly from the New Jersey Department of Veteran Affairs - The 2019 Therapy Animal of the Year - Miss Molly! To see more information about this look at SRoL’s facebook post announcing the wonderful surprise: Miss Molly. Thank you Team Molly, thank you Veterans, and thank you Miss Molly!
Molly was discovered on facebook near Texas/Mexico border at the Kaufman Kill Pens, we have no idea where she is originally from. That’s OK, because she is here now.
04 — Edith (The Earthy Momma)
Ernest, Elegant, Enigmatic- Edith! Her Engaging Eyes and Endless patience Endear her to all. This Easy-going, no-nonsense den momma makes parenting a couple of clever rambunctious donkeys look Effortless. Do not let her quiet, calm demeanor fool you. Edith will drop the Eminent hammer at a moment’s notice!
Ernest - Effective – Efficient – Earthy – Elegant – Engaging – Endearing – Educational – Energetic – Enthusiastic – Ethereal - Empathetic - Enjoyable - Edith!
Edith the Donkey, 2011* is an 10yo Standard Donkey and she joined our Herd on Christmas Eve 2017 as a surprise gift to us from our landlord. Alongside her was Edith’s 5mo baby jenny who became named Gloria. The mother/daughter pair were rescued by Barbara Bemelmans from a livestock/feedlot auction in Pennsylvania, quarantined in PA they became ill and were hospitalized for some time. Finally the recovering pair made the trailer ride to Home at Hunt Cap Farms on December 11, 2017. Everyone here at the farm (including Crazylegs) fell in love with the very shy, cautious, somewhat feral momma donkey and the irresistible, absolutely adorable baby jennet who resembled a fluffer-ball of fur, kind of like a giant toy easter bunny. Such fun, that and “google donkeys 101”. Very little did we all know, as Edith began to really grow in size (thought we were feeding her to death) that there was another part of her story, or entrance. Edith had yet another surprise coming... she was pregnant! Say whhaat!? Yes! And that with “google pregnant donkey who is nursing 202”. All prayers answered and on September 24, 2018 Edith gave birth to a healthy baby jack who became named Augustus Archibald (GusArchie). Gloria witnessed the entire labor and birth from her stall next door. And that is the beginning of how we found All in the Family of Donkeys!
In 2019, Edith made her debut into the EAP/L arena at SRoL and SRoH, up to then she has been kinda busy being a full time single mom. As we had imagined Edith is a pure natural in our work and it blissful to see both her children Engaged and Entertained by clients at such juvenile ages. Junior Mif has taken up a kindred friendship with Edith; we assume she is rather impressed with her Momma abilities! One thing is for certain – the addition of this family of long-eared brethren to our team of Equids is both long-awaited and fully anticipated. We are so Enticed and ready for an Enduring, Exciting, and Enjoyable Edith E-venture…
Edith hails from the great state of Pennsylvania.
05 — Gloria (The Gutsy Girl)
Gregarious, Genuine, Gutsy - Gloria! This Glam donkey Girl is Generous with both hugs and Guttural ‘heehaws’! She is close with her Mom and is a Gem of a big sister. GiGi is always up for a Good time and is Genuinely interested in humans. Gloria will Get down on the Ground to illustrate both Gentle, and also Goofy! This Gorgeous Girl is a Glorious addition to our Equid Family!
Gregarious – Gallant - Genuine – Gutsy – Genial – Glam - Glorious – Gifted – Gorgeous – Goofy - Gentle – Graceful – Generous – Giddy – Goddess – Gloria!
Gloria, 2017 (GiGi, GloryGirl, Girldonkey, GloriousG) arrived at Hunt Cap Farms alongside her mother Edith the Donkey on December 11, 2017, she was approximately 5mo and absolutely the most adorable fluffy baby jenny ever seen! Both mom and daughter had been through an ordeal; dropped off at auction with a nursing baby very traumatizing, RESCUED by Mrs. Bemelmans, quarantined then hospitalized, then Homed to Three Bridges – where the emotional healing and our journey would begin. On Christmas Eve 2017 the most Glorious surprise was gifted to CC and Spring Reins of Hope/Life! Two Donkeys! It has been a Gallant experience watching this Graceful Girl Grow up – weaning, learning, playing, separating, what? a baby brother!? (jealous, annoying, full time playmate, he is cute!)…and people! Grounded Gloria is curious, intrigued and drawn to humans – sometimes she will Give a GiGi “donkey HuG”, which is quite the Gift!
Gloria just turned 5 years old and is developing into a Gorgeous woman donkey. We celebrate her birthday on July 4th - just Glorious. She has developed into a Gleeful, Gregarious, Gentle loving, Girl Donkey! She is a barn favorite and just began working with clients last summer. Yes, and we are SO excited to continue our programming with Gloria’s long-eared Gutsy and Genuine Guidance in our EAP/L arena --- morning Glory Hallelujah – Gloria!
Gloria was born in great state of Pennsylvania.
06 — GusArchie (The Adventurer)
Adorable, Admirable, Adventurous, Angelic - Augustus Archibald (GusArchie)! Absolutely Astonishing this Adolescent jack Donkey Boy rules the Attention spheres here at the barn. He is well Advanced for his young Age and runs with an Admirable wild Abandon that draws in even the most timid, he gives free donkey kisses! GusArchie is also an Animated pick-pocket thief so check for your phone, or keys, or even your heart, cuz he will steal that too!
Adorable – Advanced for Age - Adventurous – Agile - Attentive - Affectionate – Active - Animated – Amusing - Aspiring – Angelic – Amazing - Augustus Archibald!
Augustus Archibald, 2018 (GusArchie) and…(aka DonkeyBoy, DonkeyKing, Gus, Auggie, Gussie, “the Baby”, Junior, Mr. Donkey) joined our Herd on September 24, 2018 at 1:01am to be exact! A Jersey Guy, born at Hunt Cap Farms in Three Bridges, New Jersey! See, little did we all know that Miss Edith had a surprise coming… She was pregnant! The waiting game on the birth of Edith's baby Actually made the news! Edith’s newborn son became the surprise Addition to our newly found long-eared colleagues! During the early hours of a full harvest moon on September 24th Edith she gave birth to a healthy baby jack who was dubbed Donkey King Augustus Archibald by his new Godmother Jamie Hahn -- and THAT is how we have All in the Family of Donkeys!
Augustus Archibald is a very regal fitting name for the Mr. Donkey Boy King, as time traveled along we realized he needed something shorter as a call handle. The shortening and then sandwiching Gus and Archie became Gus+Archie and if you say with some passion and an Italian accent - he becomes “Gusssaurchy the Italian Donkey from Three Bridges”…
GusArchie is a Jersey boy. Born at Hunt Cap Farms in the great state of New Jersey.
07 — Redcat (The Responder)
Reliable, Rapid Response Rescue, Rare - Redcat! This Radical orange tabby voluntarily joined the SRoH/SRoL roster of 4legged professionals in 2014 while we were based out of Foxx Creek Farm in Hillsborough. He became such a part of our team that he moved with us in 2017 to our current home in Three Bridges, where he remains very vocal and the one and only miniature lion. If utilizing the letter R to help you decide if Redcat is the Rockstar you want to hire, hear this:
Reliable - Rapid Response Rescue – Rare – Resilient - Radical – Rakish – Riveting – Rebellious – Relentless - Recalcitrant - Redcat!
Redcat, 2008* is a male Orange Tabby cat with White on his chin, chest, hind paws, and coon rings on tail. We met Redcat in 2014 when we relocated to Foxx Creek Farm in Hillsborough, NJ He was one of six barn cats on the farm, and one of three orange tabbies so in the beginning hard to tell which one he was. It didn’t take him long to stand out however. During the three years we were based at this facility we noticed he was not your average barn-cat.
Early into our stay, we noticed Red began self-appointing as an assistant to the horses while they worked. It was randomly he would enter the EAP arena, yet he proved to always have a specific reason and often a specific person to tend to. Over the years his presence and input have become our normal and we have learned that he has super-cat skills! Redcat is a panic-attack alert cat as he has leaped to the aid of more than one client just moments before an episode would occur, and would stay with them until they could breathe normally. He can also Responsively Read when the anxiety levels from a client are too high to approach the Horses, at these times Redcat will fill in by sitting on their shoe and meowing (sometimes a lot) until they are ready, or until the right horse approaches them. He then becomes the fear-breaker, in that he will rub up on the horse’s leg showing “how they are friendly”....
Something we admire in him is that while mainly nocturnal he will sleep most of the day, and yet never misses his self-summoned opportunity to teach and heal. As a joke, there is a sign on one of his box-beds that reads “Red - damn slacker sleeps on the job”! Another reason to respect Redcat is that numerous people have commented how they are not really “cat-people” but there is something about that cat (Red). Funny thing to that is Redcat is not really a peaple-cat…he does not like being held and when some people come to the farm he hides. Knowing this and seeing how dedicated he is to be our Rapid Response ‘Redcat to the Rescue’ is an honor really. Red is also a horse nurse in that when one of the big 4leggeds is sick he will tend to them and/or alert the 2leggeds.
Oh, right. As a barn cat, he is complete poser and does not mouse, at all! It is not on video as proof (yet), there is more than one human witness that he will share his food with the mice! It’s ok. Redcat is an intuitive healer in a fancy cat suit, yes and we are lucky that he chose to come with us and remain embedded in our work.
Redcat is a Jersey boy. Born and raised in the great state of New Jersey.
08 — 2Ton Tony (The XXX)
2Ton Tony the rooster arrived in our barn one December day and never left. He has taken on the role of self-appointed therapist with the horses. Tony is a strong and confident presence in the barn, and the horses seem to appreciate his calming influence. He can often be found sitting atop a hay bale, surveying the scene with a wise and understanding gaze. Despite his large size, Tony is gentle and kind, and is always up for some cuddles. It's clear that he takes his role as their therapist very seriously, and is dedicated to helping them thrive. Overall, Tony is a valuable member of the barn community and an integral part of team. His kind and gentle nature has made him well-loved by all who know him, and we are grateful to have him as a constant companion in the barn.
09 — Crazylegs (The Charmer)
Care-free, Cage-free, Charismatic - Crazylegs! This mighty mini is a Chaos Causing Creature not Constrained by societal norms. Captivating and super Cute, Crazylegs a Crowd favorite and shows that he Clearly approves being the Center of attention. While Capricious, just like the rest of us he can also be rather Cranky and for these days we issue a Careful warning: Best not to be the fool by his short stature and it is well advised not to turn your back on this Cavalier Character…Cuz if he is not Chillin, he is kicking!
Carefree - Cavalier - Cute+ - Capricious - Charismatic - Cranky - Confident - Charming - Captivating - Crazylegs!
Crazylegs has been a fixture at Hunt Cap Farms (our facility home) for many years. He was rescued from auction by the farm's owner and has inserted himself into our programming just by his shear presence. For the past three years, Crazylegs is excited to greet clients as they arrive in the parking lot for sessions or workshops. He is so darn cute, people are immediately drawn to him. As one gets to know him better they realize that he has overcome some rather large hurdles in life, and then when you really get to know him well it is clear that he is tough as nails and such a warrior/survivor. He got the name Crazylegs because all four of his legs are deformed and his gaits are not normal – he sure does get around however! He represents the deep will to survive and overcome while he oozes pure Confidence, and this is such a powerful example to those who are suffering from deep internal “deformities” of trauma. Thank you Crazylegs for being strong like Concrete. We love you.
Crazylegs hails from the great state of North Carolina. His life was rescued to Hunt Cap Farms from New Holland Auction in Pennsylvania nearly 15 years ago.
The Goats (They’ve Got Your Goat!)
There is a roaming trio of goats at Hunt Cap Farms (our facility home) in Three Bridges, NJ who basically do whatever they want so it is good that they are quite friendly and too curious. Part of the welcoming committee when client vans arrive at the farm for EAP sessions, more than one occasion there have been wagers placed on which goat will win a head butting contest or jump inside the van first (it once took 2 Marines to remove Puzzle from the vehicle!). Apparently it is now commonplace that during some of our group sessions/ workshops with clients and Horses how one or more of The Goats will find their way into the arena (no one actually let them in) and ultimately become unique diversions, differences, or alternate options in completing the activity. While never officially summoned for their assistance, they are very GOAT about it, yes and as time has passed we cannot deny they are a part of our 4legged team. Enjoy!
10 — Puzzle (The Playboy)
Puzzle is a New Jersey bred Nigerian Dwarf goat, he became a Hunt Cap Farms mascot in 2017 as a massively cute bouncy baby with black and white markings and a very clever goatenality. This Popular Playboy Possesses a Playful Personality with a Penchant for Paper. He is a Phenomenal Philosopher, quite Photogenic, rather Persnickety, yet all ways Playful. At times one might hope for a Pause button on this boy, but then his Playfulness and Popularity weaves you back into his own Private Puzzle. If utilizing the letter P to help you decide if Puzzle is the Pick for you, try this:
Personable – Peculiar - Proficient - Partner in Crime – Playboy – Philosopher – Photo Bomber – PLAYFUL – Persnickety - Puzzle!
Puzzle is a Jersey boy. Born and raised in the great state of New Jersey.
11 — Dijon (The Demolition)
Dijon is a New Jersey bred Nigerian Dwarf goat, he became a Hunt Cap Farms mascot in 2017 as a massively cute bouncy baby with tri-color markings and a very large goatenality. Desirable in charms, he will not be Deterred from his somewhat Deranged goals. Can do Damage, capable of Deliberate Demolition and at the same time has a Demure soft side. A greeting may be a full on head butt, or kisses all over your bare arm or leg. If encouraged properly can be an effective calf masseuse, but included there is a risk of brutal shin scraping so just beware. Undeniably Delightful, and a Delinquent - Definitely Do not let Dijon Date your Daughter! If utilizing the letter D to describe Dijon let’s see if this will help you Decide his bookability for your virtual needs:
Dapper – Daring – Devilish - Determined – Demolition Expert – Delinquent – Demur - Dijon!
Dijon is a Jersey boy. Born and raised in the great state of New Jersey.
12 — Honey (The Sweetness)
Honey is a New Jersey bred Nubian goat, she came a Hunt Cap Farms in 2018 when her owner passed away. What’s one more goat? Oozing with sweetness, it’s no wonder she’s named Honey! Spends her days Hedonistically indulging her Huge Hunger as her Heft Hypnotically Hula-hoops her Hips. She’s a Happy, Humble Heap of Heaven who loves to have her ears and neck rubbed. Honey is Honest in her basic simplicity, which can become Hilarious. Rumor has it that Dijon has a crush on her….oh my goodness wait – Honey Dijon! You herd it here first!
Honey is a Jersey girl. Born and raised in the great state of New Jersey.
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Dane (The Strategist)
Dashing, Debonair, Dignified - Dane! A true gentleman strategist operating with the military precision of an admired commander leading his Herd into battle and he has earned their fellowship because of his Deeply analytical and accurate SOP. Dane is proven to understand the significance of events without being influenced by current opinion, changing attitudes, or others’ prejudices. He has the ability to make critical Decisions quickly and to take the indicated action without being Deterred by false short-cuts. His Default strategy is based on Die-hard facts and figures, along with facilitating Deep wisdom and Diligently applied common sense. The White Horse is powerful, strong, graceful and Definitely Delicious to look at!
Dense Leadership Skills - Dignified Management Capabilities – Diligent Engineer – Defines Cohesive Group Dynamics - Dashingly Handsome - Deeply Analytical - Dignified Fairness in Equality (exception of food) - Debonair Dude – Dane!
Favory's Mystical Knight Dane, 1999 (Great Dane, Daney-man, Big Daddy, Brother D, Commander, Uncle Dane, Dapper Danish), is a 23 year old Lipizzaner Sporthorse. Dane’s first career began at age 5 as a Dressage athlete and competed successfully in the Northeast until age 11 and showing tremendous potential for the upper levels. On October 1, 2010 decisions made by his human changed his career and with brilliant adaptability Dane began a profound journey of providing equine-assisted psychotherapy mental health services as well as experiential learning workshops to the community of New Jersey. He is a founding member of our Herd and has served thousands of clients in his decade long tenure thus far. His breed is the original warhorse and he has brought strength and empowerment to over 800 veterans. His size and stature can be intimidating at first, however once intentions and goals are clearly defined from within, Dane has lifted more than 1300 at-risk traumatized youth onto a new strategic path to obtaining positive outcomes. Dane has also enjoyed teaching confidence, clarity, and communication skills to hundreds of medical students and corporate executives. Out in the pasture, he is the leader and protector – currently with three gorgeous mares. Definitely Do let Dane Date your Daughter!
Dane is a Jersey boy native. Born and raised in the great state of New Jersey.
Favory’s Mystical Knight Dane
05/26/1999 - 09/21/2022
‘If you focus on BEing present your awareness changes, which allows you to SEE things differently’…said the Horse.
Employ our 4-legged furry therapists to spice up your virtual gatherings. They too are having to work from home.
The Herdmembers are currently prevented from providing in-person essential mental health services of helping humans with overcoming trauma, depression, anxiety, marital issues, family dysfunction, PTS(d), and much more including assisting corporate teams and medical professionals improve their communication and leadership skills.
Hire us today!
With the support of New Jersey businesses, friends, family, and others - this Herd are cared for and ready to re-enter the arena. And when they do their help will be needed more than ever before… Join our team today.