Responsibility for Self
This is Crazylegs. He got his name because his legs are crazy, they are deformed in 4 different ways and directions. Crazylegs was rescued from a livestock auction where someone left him there underweight, struggling to stand, and a stud (ungelded). He was rescued by Barbara Bemelmans who owns Hunt Cap Farms many years ago, she brought him from the auction to her farm to allow him to leave in a much more humane way than being trampled on a slaughter transport truck. The next day, when the veterinarian arrived to help him leave they found the tiny horse swaying on his crooked legs and oh so thin, yet a feisty-ness in his eye and an attitude intent on gathering some more hay and grain! The veterinarian and Barbara agreed that maybe getting some groceries and TLC on him (add on a gelding procedure) and then just giving him a chance to see how it turned out, might be a better idea. With the understanding that if he cannot survive without suffering, he can be given with love back to God. Well, the dilapidated little miniature horse had the will to live, to survive, even thrive. And SO HE IS! This will be the first of many stories and musings from the Mighty Mini so listen up, he says what he means - and he means what he says. Wink.
Hunt Cap Farms’ resident mascot. The Mighty Mini - Crazylegs!
For more than a decade this little warrior pretty much rules the farm and not only does he get around ok, he is a free-range mini with a mission. Crazylegs accepts zero pity and he is a shining example of knowing what you like, what you want, and going after it - period. Crazylegs does have some days where he moves less than average, but most of the time he is cruising around wherever he damn pleases! He has incredible hearing in that if you crinkle a peppermint wrapper (or any wrapper that resembles the sound of a peppermint kind) he can be yards away and will come running, legs flying and all, but he will track you down and then relentlessly continue to frisk you for the goods.
Crazylegs is very self-sufficient. He knows what he likes and what he does not. A willingness to try new things keep him in the loop of not really missing out on life. Almost always in a good mood, opportunistic mind you, but positive he is a joy to be around and for many, he is an inspiration. Do not let the cuteness overload fool you though, he is very able and can kick with both hinds if engaged in an argument. Crazylegs takes care of himself just fine and sometimes can be on the bossy side. In the video below you will see an example of his independence and creativity. There is a row of boxwood bushes that line the front of both barns. Crazylegs must believe that these bushes were put in place for his personal use to self-groom, self-scratch to self-care! If you were here in person it would be easy to notice the rather customized (to him) hedge trimming job that has transpired over the years. Nearly all of these bushes have an arc type cut—out that seems to have a customized fit right at the height of one crooked mini’s back. Hmmmm.
Crazylegs, BEing cool!
Crazylegs is available for hire on your virtual meetings and events, tune in with him for a very unique, almost guaranteed for something you are not planning on - visit with this mighty mini!
And here is a video of Crazylegs doing serpentine dives among the Boxwood bushes at Hunt Cap Farms. He is shedding out his winter coat. Self—care.
Message of the Day from Mr. Crazylegs:
So. Stay yourself. Stay true to the best parts of you. In the end it is the most authentic life you can lead. It wont be perfect. There will be mistakes. There will be losses. Learn from them and become wise. There will be victories. There will be leaps of faith that land well. Enjoy them fully. If coming from truth you earned that on the inside, and no one can take it from you on the outside. Unless you allow them to. Heck, I am far from perfection alright, ya’ think I don’t know that?! Yet I am also a supreme bad-ass because there is not another miniature horse on the planet quite like me. I like that, a lot! BE YOURself!
Crazylegs. BEing Crazy (himself).
Want a Date with Crazylegs? You can Hire him for a fabulous “mental break” from the ump-teenth w-f-h video meeting. He is guaranteed to engage, entice, and entertain regardless of the activity he may in engrossed in at the moment. 10 minutes with the Mighty Mini will put morale through the roof and help to connect your team back to work. All with the simplest of solutions from one very short horse. Ready to take a ride with the BIGlittle Man on Campus? Get Started to Hire Crazylegs!
Want to learn more about Mr. Crazylegs (or any of his unique colleagues)? Check out their bios and background at Meet the Herd. For a listing of online offerings from NJVH (you can select Crazylegs specifically for 4 of them) go to the website’s Virtual Services page. See ya!