Who Got Your Six?
Retro Post. Excerpted from a series called Spring Saturdays (January 2018 - January 2019). It is a long read yet worthy.
SPRING REINS of LIFE / Horses, Humans & Healing 501c3 posted a video to playlist Spring Saturdays.
January 5, 2019 / Spring Saturday 49 Link to VIDEO and Original Post

Lesson 49: “Who Has Your Back? Watch Your 6. We Got Your 6! No Man Is An Island. Create A Protection Posse. WE Agree To Watch Out For Each Other!” SERIOUSLY….
This week is a shift to bring some Appaloosa Wisdom toward a group idea – community. Certainly I am strong believer in SELF! Self-care, self-preservation, self-mastery, self-sufficiency, self-awareness, self-education, self-respect, self-control, self-confidence, self-leadership, self-companionship, self-love, self-forgiveness, self-inspired….yes I could go on and on)! Self is not wired to do this life alone.
One important reason for understanding SELF, why to continue developing Self, is to then become with OTHERS. Yes. And, when you have a strong sense of self, a healthy relationship toward self --- you can then be brilliant with others! See, there is no deep lasting CONNECTION with Others unless first there is a refinement in knowing Self.
Offering up an extremely simple view on a rather complex task for which some of us can spend lifetimes working on. Do understand that there are those who are further along in this endeavor and then others who are just beginning.
The idea is that we are HERE sharing space at all different levels of refinement. By choosing to understand with compassion that everyone’s journey is different ---- leaves little room for judgement or oppression ---- Yes, and so it becomes our natural nature to look out for one another. It is Safe. It is Harmonious. (what a cool word by the way; “Hahrr-moan-Eeee-US!”)
Puh-leeeaase HEAR this part: we are not completing life tasks for others, we are not fixing others, it is important that the core of our life work is self-contained. Each individual’s lessons, challenges, talents, gifts, purpose, and pitfalls are specific to that individual. By interfering you are not helping. Must give allowance and acceptance to each path or journey and expect that for your-SELF.
HOWEVER. As we all journey along our life, we collect others into it, there becomes connection and community. Naturally, for those we love, our family, our truth friends, those we work with, those we serve with, we become close to. This is beautiful and what makes life rich.
My tribe…
For horses, this is called a Herd. Within the herd, each being from youngest to oldest has a purpose in serving the group. We live as a unit to survive. To find the right grasses, the certain places in dirt rocks for minerals, the best and most reliable water sources, when to move, when to stay still, whose turn it is to sleep, who is on watch, bushes that move – when where to RUN! We are all growing and developing as individual horses all the time, yet as this flows we all become ONE huge horse.
Horses can behave as one because we know thyself. For horses having each other’s back is an easy DONE. I would never bring water to another horse in my herd, I might show them where the water is or teach how to find it…yes, and you bet your ass that if a lion was sneaking up behind my horse unit buddy when drinking – I would scream “RUN, NOW! Fast” and we would bolt for our lives together.
For people, this might be called a Family, a Team, a Unit, a Tribe, as some examples. From observations, this is not as easy for humans as it is for horses. Yet. There is a root desire in all of us for individuality as part of a larger whole. There is great calm in this kind of connected community – in knowing it is SAFE.
Investing and partaking in a collective talent, skill, knowledge, defense, security and surveillance bank which is readily available since the selves are one by the tribe. Zero Blindspot. Support When Needed. 24/7 Guard Watch. SOMEONE HAS ALWAYS GOT YOUR BACK!
Got you covered, I am watching.
Spring Thaw
#SpringSaturday49 #VIHveryimportanthorse #WiseOldAppaloosa #HorsesHeal #SpringPhDButtonPusher #DrSpring #GotYour6 #IGotYourBack #ProtectionPosse #WhoIsOnWatch #KeepItReal #SafetyinHorses #TribeQuest